Car Seat Friendly Headphones

Car Seat Friendly Headphones

Car seats and headphones - the two have never gone together. But as of late, many parents have become an advocate for CozyPhones, which have become a go-to when packing their bag of travel accessories.

Angie Thornhill learned about the family friendly headphones on Facebook and immediately fell in love with the design. With long car rides and family vacations on her mind, Thornhill decided to give them a try. 

"Infant and toddler car seats with head supports make wearing the hard plastic headphones uncomfortable and sometimes painful," Thornhill said. "We were constantly helping [our daughter] re-adjust them so they would stay on her head only to have the head support interfere once they were positioned."   

Thornhill chose 'Mystic the Unicorn' and her daughter loved them just as much. They stayed put, Thornhill said,  and the headphones are soft and comfortable.

"The flexible softness of CozyPhones make riding, listening fun, and falling asleep even easier," Thornhill said. "I would absolutely recommend CozyPhones. They make traveling easier and more enjoyable for child and parent alike."



Alexandra Hurton, creator and writer of the Young Mummy Survival Guide, said she purchased the green frog headphones for long car journeys. When you’re stuck in traffic, it helps keep your child amused, she said, and they are much more convenient than normal headphones.

"As they’re made of fabric, they fold up easily into any storage compartment or handbag. I’ve found they also fit nicely in my iPad case when travelling," Hurton said.

She also noted that her daughter uses them as an eye mask when the sun is in her eyes. And, they are safer to wear in the event of becoming a projectile while driving.

"They’re fun, stylish, soft and my daughter loves them," Hurton said. "The convenience of them is also amazing. We’ve had no problems with them at all."

A number of Facebook fans have also agreed. In a recent post, we asked how many families used CozyPhones with a car seat and how they compared to others:

"My son loves them! He's a pretty rough toddler and I love that he can't break them like he's broken regular headphones, and as an added bonus they're so cute! We were definitely glad to have them on our 8 hour drive to vacation." - Sarah Holmes

"My daughter LOVES them! She's got sensory issues and other problems. Only headphones she will wear!" - Tarilyn Oliver-Purmals

It took a little getting used to for my little one, but now he loves them (as do I). They do NOT make him hot and sweaty even in the summer months. And I love that he can't blast the volume and not hurt his ears. There's no crying about them slipping out, which means no pulling the car over. And I don't have to listen to his episode on Netflix that he's watched for the billionth time 😂 I have considered an adult pair because I have a hard time finding in ear headphones to fit my ears." - Anita Schurg

"Can't rate them highly enough! I have three kiddos that have autism and they truly are awesome! xx" - Donna-Marie Jacklin


Hop on over and check out our CozyPhones and make your next road trip a little bit smoother!

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